"But I bought the tickets myself and took my daughters to see Madonna and we didn’t get any special seat, we’re off to the right, and lights were on and the show started and I could just see how happy my daughters were, watching her show and she was just blazing, she was going really strong and then the lights dipped the second time as the show was mid-way through and also she goes: “I want to apologize to somebody. “And the audience got really quiet and she said: “I want to apologize to Kevin Costner.” And I had no idea that she even knew that I was in the audience. And it was a very big thing and my daughters turned and looked at me like: “What was that?” And I was so glad, number one – to hear that. Didn’t think it was coming, I got even embarrassed a little bit. The lights didn’t shine on me because no one knew the lights were on and my daughters looked at me and I just thought it was a really nice thing for her to do. I never actually called her to say: “Hey, thanks”, because we have just this weird communication that goes back and forth."
"And I thought what she did was very big and she didn’t have to do it and my daughters never forgot it."
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