Mehr Informationen findet Ihr hier und falls das Magazin bei Eurem Zeitschriftenhändler bereits ausverkauft sein sollte, könnt Ihr zumindest das eine Cover noch hier bestellen. Viel Glück und viel Spaß!
Madonna graces the cover of the German edition of the "Interview" magazine (March 2015 edition). Inside - no surprises here - you'll find the Mert & Marcus spread as well as the interview by David Blaine. Also, there's a nice "archive" spread with interviews and pictures of the Interview Madonna cover stories from 1985 to 2010. All in all it's 48 pages!
You can purchase the magazine online at Interview Store or try to get it at your local store (the first cover already out of stock online). Good luck!
(Cover 1)
(Cover 2, already out of stock online)
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